Tuesday, October 12, 2010

science mutation questions/answers by Noahm Rozen

1. It is important to protect these bears since black bears can carry the mutated gene for a spirit. So by protecting the black bears we are also protecting the spirit bears.

2. a) G is substituted for C
    b) A is missing at the end of the sequence
    c) There is an extra G in the sequence

3. Positive, neutral, and negative mutations.

4. For a whale, instead of having a blowhole on his face (nose) from a long time ago, now it has one on top of its head. It helps him so that he doesn't have to come up all the way for air, he just needs to get the top of his head out. The whale adapted to its environment over time.

5. the mutation is bad. The cell is half of what it was before and it is a negative mutation.

6. Because having black or white fur does not affect the bear. Only the genes are affected.

7. It could be a neutral or negative mutation like you have a hand and if a certain letter is taken away from the sequence, then the hand could lose its mobility.

8. to replace a defective gene with a normal copy of the same gene in attempt to restore it with a gene that works.

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