Thursday, October 14, 2010


By: Noahm Rozen

1. What is a chromosome made of?
DNA and genes.

2. How many chromosomes are there in one human cell?
46 chromosomes or 23 pairs. The 23rd pair tells us if you are male or female.

3. What organelle makes protein?
the ribosomes make the protein for the cells.

4. a) How would the bases A, C, G and T be paired in DNA? 
Answer: A always pairs with T,  C always pairs with G.
   b) If ATTGTCACCTG was the sequence of one side of a part of DNA, what would the other side be?

5. What is the name of the messenger that carries the information to make protein from the DNA?
mRNA is the messenger that actually SENDS ITSELF to the ribosomes with the information to make proteins.

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