Thursday, October 28, 2010

Retreat blog post:

1. What did the retreat mean to me?

It meant bonding people I don't know, and create new friendships. I definitely think that I met that goal on this retreat. I watched the movie 'Groundhog Day' and responded to it, and I think the movie had a lot behind it: a lot of deeper meanings... I think that the retreat helped me become a better leader, follower, and team member.

2. What did I learn about myself?

I learned that I could do many things that I didn't think I could do! I learned that I could shoot  a bow and arrow, and that I could steer a boat from the stern. I thought that the saying, "if you put your mind to it, anything is possible" but now I understand, that it is, in fact, a true statement.

3. What connections to science did I find or here or make with any experience I had?

In the high ropes, when Leora was climbing the ladder, she told me to twist the ladder so that she could continue climbing. I twisted the ladder a little bit, and then more and more until she continued to climb. 
When I looked up, the ladder was forming a DNA shape! I told Mr. Chrystal as soon as I found it.

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